Essential Healing Tips after Removing Your Wisdom Teeth 

If your dentist recommends you to extract your wisdom teeth, don’t panic. You’ll be fine after the extraction as you were before. Stop hearing those horror stories from your friends and family who have already pulled out their wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth removal Sydney procedure itself is done under anesthesia so you’ll never experience any pain during the extraction. All you have to stay calm, get ready for the procedure, and focus on healing after the extraction.

In fact, when these third molars begin to affect your oral health, it is wise to get them out. If not, an impacted wisdom tooth can lead to several dental complications like teeth crowding and shifting, pain, dental decay, the formation of a cyst, etc. So removal is the best option. So, you should play it safe and follow all aftercare instructions to get healed and prevent any complication. Whether you are avoiding the procedure due to dental fear or wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney, keep in mind third molar extraction is normal and affordable and you are not the only one who is going to pull out them.

Why aftercare is essential? 

Dentists have been removing wisdom teeth Sydney for millions of Australians every year, according to the Australian Dental Association. Besides little discomfort, temporary bleeding, and swelling after the extraction, most of the patients recover quickly and back to their normal routine. Dry socket is the only complication that may develop after extracting a tooth, but it is the most common preventable surgical complication.

A dry socket is formed when the blood clot is dislodged from the surgical site, exposing bone and nerves.  It is a painful condition that leads to further complication. In addition to pain, symptoms of dry socket include bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, and fever. To prevent these complications after wisdom teeth removal, follow these post-extraction healing instructions.


Swelling is common after the extraction. To reduce swelling, bruising, or any other discomfort, you can apply ice packs outside of your mouth intermittently for up to two days.


You can expect some bleeding, so don’t panic. It is quite common. Keep gauze over the extraction site and bite down firmly for 30 minutes immediately after the surgery. You can also use a moistened tea bag for the same amount of time. The titanic acid in the tea stops bleeding and helps the blood clot set.

Mouth care

Limit eating, drinking, and talking for the first two hours following the surgery.  Rest well on the day of surgery. Avoid rinsing vigorously to avoid dislodging of the blood clot. Also, avoid strenuous activity for a couple of days, as well as spitting or smoking on the day of surgery as these activities may dislodge the blood clot.


Stick to liquids on the day of the surgery and gradually start eating soft foods and your regular meal. You can eat puddings, eggs, mashed potatoes, and cooked cereals. Avoid carbonated drinks and consume fresh fruit juices and vegetable soups.

The wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney is affordable, and follow the post-operative care instructions carefully for quick recovery.

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About the Author: Clare Louise