Expanding our flavor horizons with magic mushroom gummies

A new dimension of psychedelic edibles is unfolding as magic mushrooms make their way into colorful gummy candies and other tasty snacks. As perceptions around psilocybin shift, products infused with extracts from these mushrooms are entering the wellness space. The appeal is growing for microdoses in candy-like forms that promise mood enhancement without a psychedelic trip.

An ancient medicine

Mushrooms containing psilocybin have been used ceremonially for millennia by cultures across the globe seeking visionary states. Indigenous groups consumed them to commune with spirits, find enlightenment, and for rites of passage. The Aztecs called them teonanácatl – “flesh of the gods.” Siberian shamans regarded them as sacred teachers.  In the 1950s, psilocybin was synthesized by Western scientists who researched its effects on consciousness. Early psychiatric experiments were promising. However, prohibition interrupted progress as psilocybin gained a counterculture reputation.  A renaissance in psychedelic research is unfolding. Pilot studies indicate psilocybin therapy helps treat depression, anxiety disorders, PTSD, and addiction under medically supervised conditions. As evidence mounts, demand increases for legal access to mushroom compounds for healing.

Microdosing – testing the waters

  1. One early adopter trend has been microdosing psilocybin mushrooms gummies and truffles. It refers to regularly taking around 1/10th of a “trip dose,” typically 0.1 – 0.3 g. The sub-perceptual amount should not impair functioning.
  2. Anecdotal reports indicate microdosing may lift mood, creativity, focus, and well-being without psychedelic effects. Clinical research is still minimal, but early results are promising.
  3. Microdosing products like capsules, tinctures, and gummies now offer precise psilocybin servings, removing the guesswork of drying mushrooms. Startups like DoubleBlind provide subscriptions for daily microdoses.
  4. The edible gummy format also makes microdosing more discreet and easier than brewing mushroom tea or eating fungal matter. Their candy-like appeal signals a softer landing for exploring shrooms.

Journeying beyond microdosing

While microdosing provides subtle effects, larger “journey doses” of psilocybin gummies offer deeper psychedelic experiences:

  • 10-25mg induces modest effects like enhanced colors, creativity, and introspection.
  • 20-40mg provides a more immersive 4-6 hour trip with visuals, epiphanies, and mystical states.
  • 40-60mg produces an intense, ego-dissolving experience that should be approached with expertise.

Potential societal impacts

As laws evolve around psilocybin, what may be the effects on society as these compounds enter commercial markets and mainstream lifestyles?

  • Reducing penalties for personal psilocybin use is underway in multiple US cities and states. Full legalization appears to be on the horizon in places.
  • Some worry magic mushrooms will end up overly commodified by corporations, as has happened to a degree with cannabis. Keeping commercial motives ethical remains important.
  • Access through therapy clinics may provide innovative treatment options for conditions like depression and addiction under professional guidance.
  • Increased adult use recreationally is probable. Harm reduction education around dosing carefully and avoiding risky combinations will be crucial.
  • Facilitating safe sacred use in traditional ceremonial settings or modern guided retreats fosters transformation. They are trivializing these ancient plant medicines only for recreation risks losing their deeper lessons.

As psilocybin products like gummies increase, preserving mushroom wisdom both ancient and modern will ensure these expansions of consciousness steer society in progressive directions.

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About the Author: Teresa Sabo