Fact : Hemp Oilis Different from CBD Oil

It may come as a surprise to many to know that in 2019, there were more than 6 million people in the United Kingdom that have used oils, capsules and other products that contain CBD, according to the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis. 1.3 million UK people are actually regular users, using oils and CBD balm to ease pain, anxiety and other health conditions. 

There are many products that are now used for alternative therapies, and these include CBD products. UK laws does not classify such CBD-containing products as controlled substances, that is why people can market and sell such products. 

But not all sellers are lawful. Some are intending to make quick profit from consumers. These include those who are selling hemp seed oil and passing them off as Cannabis sativa oil. This is a deceiving claim as hemp oil is significantly different from CBD oil. One such difference is in the cannabinoid content as well as the nutritional value of CBD oil, which is totally different from hemp oil that has no CBD oil. 

There are other differences between these two oils like the method of extraction and the part of the plants where the oils are extracted from. These differences are discussed in greater detail in an infographic provided by Love CBD. So, if you want to get the most benefits from CBD oils, it would be great to know and spot the differences – to ensure you get the real thing. 

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About the Author: Donald Phillips