How Long Will My Facelift Results Actually Last?

Every patient’s facelift experience is different and this includes their results. By choosing the right surgeon and following a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy the results of your facelift for years to come but there are a number of factors that play a role in this.

How Long Does a Facelift Really Last?

Skin and age are two of the main factors that affect the longevity of your facelift results.

Darker, healthy skin tends to respond better than fairer skin that has been sun damaged. Patients who are over the age of 60 won’t always have long-lasting results either.

The skills of your surgeon will also play an important role in how long your facelift results last. Generally, the more invasive the procedure, the longer your results will last. Most full facelifts can last up to 5 years, while a mini facelift offers slightly different results.

During a full facelift, incisions are either made at the back or the front of the ears, after which your surgeon will lift and tighten the facial muscles while removing any excess skin and fat.

In the case of mini facelifts that focus on the mid-face, patients can also combine the procedure with Botox and fillers to address lines and wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead.

8 Tips for Better Facelift Results

While genetics will play a role in the results of your facelift at a facelift surgery clinic such as The Plastic Surgery Clinic, there are a few others things that you can do to improve your results.

  1. Choose the right surgeon. Picking a surgeon with the right skills and qualifications will be one of the most important decisions that you make during this process.
  2. Cut back on alcohol. This is particularly important during your recovery since your skin needs to stay as hydrated as possible if you want to maintain your results.
  3. Quit smoking. Tobacco affects your blood flow, which will not only impact your recovery but it will cause you to age faster again after your surgery.
  4. Stay hydrated. Drink as much water as you can to keep your skin healthy during and after your recovery.
  5. Keep your weight stable. Losing or picking up weight after your surgery will naturally affect your results.
  6. Protect your skin. Sunscreen with a high SPF is not negotiable before or after a facelift.
  7. Follow your surgeon’s instructions. Your surgeon knows what needs to be done to avoid complications and give you the results you’re hoping for, which is why it’s so important to follow all post-care instructions.
  8. Maintain a good skincare regime. How you care for your skin at home after your facelift will make a difference to how soon you will need another lift. Using the right products on a regular basis really does make a massive difference to your results. Adding on extra treatments such as facials will also make a difference in the long run.

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About the Author: Donald Phillips