How To Prepare For A Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is a modified version of a traditional facelift. During the procedure, your surgeon will make small incisions around your hairline so they can lift the lower half of your face. This will help with sagging skin. Although this is less invasive than a traditional facelift, there is still a significant recovery time, and you should know how to prepare for the surgery and for the recovery before going in for the surgery.

Cut Back On Your Salt and Water Intake

The week before your surgery, it is essential that you cut back on salt. Too much salt will cause water retention, resulting in swelling. This can have an adverse effect on the surgery results.

It would be best if you also cut back on your water intake. You don’t want to get dehydrated, but don’t drink too much water. Drinking too much will have an adverse effect on the results of the surgery as well.

Enlist Someone To Help After the Surgery

You will need someone to drive you home after the surgery and take care of you after. For the first week after the surgery, you will need to take it easy. You will need someone to help change your bandages and to help you with daily household tasks. They will also need to bring you back to the surgeon for follow up appointments. You won’t be able to heal properly without someone there to help.

Avoid Certain Medications

Two weeks before your surgery, avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatories, and vitamin E. These medications can thin your blood, which will cause excessive bleeding during and after the surgery.

Avoid Tobacco Products and Alcohol

It is essential that you avoid tobacco products and alcohol for two weeks before the surgery and two weeks after. These products can impede the healing process.

Understand What To Expect Before the Surgery

It is essential that you know what to expect after the surgery. It is going to take your face time to heal. For a week or two, your face is going to be pale, puffy, and bruised. This is normal, so you shouldn’t panic. You will see your surgeon for a follow-up, and if there is anything wrong, they will let you know during this appointment – we recommend It is best just to relax and let your body heal itself.

Plan Low-Stress, Relaxing Activities

While you are recovering, you need to rest and keep your stress level down. Before your procedure, you should plan activities that you can do in bed to keep your stress level down. Before the surgery, you can get a few good books, word puzzle books, and have a TV set up beside your bed. Your recovery process is a great time to binge-watch your favorite TV shows.

As long as you know how to prepare for a mini facelift, the surgery can make you look 10 years younger. If you relax and follow your doctor’s orders, your face should look great within a week or two.

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About the Author: Sheri Croll