Infant Nutrition: Essential Tips for Parents

Trying to provide your baby with the right balance of nutrition can be overwhelming. Thankfully, doctors that practice pediatrics are specially trained to assist and support families in meeting their infants’ nutritional needs. With the right knowledge, parents can safeguard that their babies have optimal nutrition and set the stage for a lifetime of healthy eating. 

The Benefits of Breastmilk 

As reported by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), breastfeeding is the best option for a newborn’s nutritional needs. Breastmilk provides optimal amounts of nutrients and enzymes to help a baby develop and gain protection against infection and illness. It is also adaptive to the baby’s needs, as it changes to provide the right amount of energy, fat, and protein.

When breastfeeding isn’t possible, lactation-support formulas provide an alternative source of the same nutrients. Pediatricians can help families make an informed decision about what’s best for their baby. 

Introducing Solid Foods

The AAP recommends that most babies start solid foods at around six months of age. It is important to progress slowly and introduce one new food at a time. This will help parents identify any potential allergies. Also, make sure to serve baby-led foods that are choking hazards, such as grapes and hotdogs, cut into age-appropriate pieces. 

Healthy Eating Habits

Fostering a love of healthy food from an early age is important for a child’s development. Many parents set up routines for meals and bedtime that help babies and children develop healthy eating habits. Serving meals family-style and encouraging children to feed themselves are great ways to promote healthy eating. 

Avoid Unhealthy Foods

Parents should avoid giving their children processed foods andsweetened beverages and treats as these can interfere with their appetite and cause excess weight gain. Also, artificial colors and flavors are unnecessary and can interfere with a baby’s healthy development.

Encouraging Healthy Eating

Getting young children to healthy foods is a challenge for most parents. However, there are strategies to help parents stay present and encourage healthy eating behavior. 

First, serve healthy snacks between meals. This won’t interfere with a child’s appetite. 

Second, don’t be afraid to offer healthy foods several times. It can take 8-10 exposures to a new food before a baby or child is willing to try it. 

Lastly, don’t use food as a reward. This can lead children to lose sight of healthy eating as a priority. 


Taking steps to ensure a baby’s nutritional needs are taken care of will help set the stage for healthy eating habits and ensure a baby develops the right way. 

Parents can easily and conveniently consult with doctors of pediatrics Manila by accessing telemedicine platforms like NowServing. to safeguard that their babies get the best nutrition. With their guidance, families can confidently make decisions to ensure a baby is well-fed and growing to their full potential.

NowServing provides telemedicine app solutions to deliver better healthcare for Filipinos. Visit their website at to learn more about their services. 

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About the Author: Donald Phillips