Tips for Calming Your Cough

Coughing is a natural reflex that serves to clear irritants from our throats and airways. Whether triggered by dust, postnasal drip, or an underlying medical condition, coughing can be both uncomfortable and disruptive. This article provides valuable tips on how to alleviate and manage various types of coughs from the comfort of your home. We’ll explore home remedies, different cough types, their potential causes, and when to seek medical attention.

Coughing can result from a variety of factors, including irritation, infections, and allergies. Fortunately, there are ways to ease the discomfort and promote relief. Here are some essential tips for managing your cough effectively.

Home Treatments

One of the simplest and most effective ways to soothe a cough is to stay well-hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids can help alleviate throat irritation and loosen mucus. Using a cool-mist humidifier or vaporizer in your room can also provide relief. Furthermore, a spoonful of honey before bedtime has been shown to be a natural cough suppressant. However, it’s important to note that honey should not be given to children under 12 months of age. Over-the-counter remedies containing ingredients like aloe or menthol can also offer relief.

For those experiencing a ‘wet’ cough with thick mucus, look for medicines labeled as “expectorants.” These can help loosen mucus and facilitate its removal. On the other hand, if you have post-nasal drip with excessive mucous, a medication like Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) may be more effective in drying you up. It’s crucial to consult your doctor if you have a cough accompanied by fever or shortness of breath, especially if you have underlying conditions like emphysema, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, or asthma. Cough and cold medicine should not be given to children under 4 years of age.

For a ‘dry’ cough, often associated with colds, flu, or irritants like dust or smoke, consider medications labeled as “suppressants.” These can help alleviate the urge to cough, allowing for better sleep. Additionally, cough drops or hard candy can provide relief from the tickling sensation in the throat, but they should not be given to children under 4.

Cough Medicine for Children

Here are some of the common over-the-counter (OTC) cough medicines that are suitable for children, but please keep in mind that it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional or pediatrician before giving any medication to a child, especially if they are under the age of 2. Additionally, product availability and recommendations may change over time, so it’s a good idea to check with a pharmacist for the latest options. Here are some OTC cough medicines for children:

  1. Delsym Kids Cough+ Cold Night Time: Delsym is a brand known for cough relief, and they offer formulations specifically for children. Always use the correct dosage according to the child’s age and weight.
  1. Robitussin Children’s Cough and Cold: Robitussin offers a range of cough and cold products for children, and they come in different formulations depending on your child’s symptoms.
  1. Mucinex Children’s Cough: Mucinex also offers cough and cold products designed for children. Be sure to choose the appropriate product based on your child’s age and symptoms.
  1. Hyland’s 4 Kids Cough Syrup: Hyland’s is a homeopathic brand that provides a cough syrup formulated for children. It contains natural ingredients and is generally considered safe.
  1. Zarbee’s Naturals Children’s Cough Syrup: Zarbee’s is another brand that offers cough relief for children using natural ingredients like honey. They have various formulations suitable for different ages.
  1. Little Remedies Sore Throat Pops: These are not traditional cough syrups but can help soothe a sore throat, which is often associated with coughing in children.

Always read the label and follow the dosing instructions carefully. Some products are not recommended for children under a certain age, and others may have specific dosing instructions based on the child’s weight or age. If your child’s cough persists or worsens, consult a healthcare professional for further guidance.

Will Antibiotics Stop a Cough?

In most cases, antibiotics are not effective in treating coughs since the majority of them are caused by viral infections like colds or the flu. These viral infections typically resolve on their own within a week. Antibiotics are designed to combat bacterial infections, so if your cough persists beyond a week, it’s advisable to consult your doctor to rule out bacterial illnesses such as sinus infections or pneumonia, which may require antibiotic treatment.

Coughs From Allergies and Asthma

Allergies can trigger sneezing, coughing, or a combination of both. Antihistamine medications can be helpful, and some newer non-drowsy options are available over-the-counter. If you experience wheezing along with coughing, resembling a whistling sound when you breathe, it’s essential to consult your doctor as it may indicate asthma.

Smoker’s Hack

Smoking can lead to persistent coughing, particularly in the morning. However, it may also signify more severe underlying issues, such as bronchitis or even cancer. If you smoke and experience coughing, especially if accompanied by blood, or if a new cough persists for more than a month, it’s imperative to seek medical attention.

What Else Causes Coughs?

If your cough lasts for more than 8 weeks, several factors could be contributing to it. Chronic coughs can be triggered by conditions like acid reflux (GERD), side effects of certain blood pressure medications (ACE inhibitors), whooping cough, or even heart failure. In such cases, seeking medical care is essential to address the underlying cause.


Coughing, while a natural reflex, can be distressing and disruptive. This guide has offered valuable insights into managing various types of coughs with home remedies, understanding when antibiotics are necessary, addressing coughs related to allergies and asthma, and recognizing potential red flags like smoker’s cough or persistent, chronic coughs. Always remember to consult a healthcare professional when in doubt or when your symptoms raise concerns. Your health and well-being are paramount, and timely medical attention can help ensure a prompt and accurate diagnosis and the most effective treatment.


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About the Author: Whitney Stukes