What is the Difference Between the Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy


Often many people get confused between the physiotherapy and physical therapy as one a similar type of simple physical exercises that deals with physical fitness. Some even think that physiotherapy deals more with manual therapy approaches for rehabilitation whereas physical therapy includes more exercise-based rehabilitation approaches. These understanding perhaps developed due to the reasons that treatment of musculoskeletal conditions by physiotherapy across the world at least a few years before were more on manual therapy in comparison to the situation in the US. Even today, many people around the world call physiotherapy to what the people in the US call physical therapy. It is because the popularity and use of manual therapy have been skyrocketing in the US for quite a number of years in the past. If you require either physiotherapy or a physical therapy, contact CareAxis.

However, the terminological difference in physical therapy and physiotherapy does not matter in comparison to the training and treatment approaches. Wherever you may get the services, you should ensure that the hands-on manual therapy techniques along with the therapeutic rehabilitation exercises. Usually, you will get the best results and faster relief in hands-on treatment and exercises in comparison to doing only exercises and stretches.

Most experts give the opinion that the terms physiotherapy and physical therapy are interchangeable. It all depends on where you are and where from you are getting the services. In most parts of the world and even in some parts of the US people use the word “physical therapy” whereas some few parts of the US people use the word “Physio”. However, most people use the words for different references still claim that physiotherapy is more hands-on manual therapy training whereas increasing numbers of physical therapists across the US are already providing hands-on manual therapy training.

One of the authentic ways to determine physiotherapy if at all in contrast to physical therapy with the various approaches physiotherapist perform which include manual therapy, massage techniques, ultrasound therapy, interferential therapy, neuromuscular stimulation, dry-needling, acupuncture, tapping for joint, and various exercises to ensure quick recovery and rehabilitation. 

Another important characteristics of physiotherapy to consider while in contrast with physical therapy is that the physiotherapy should never be considered centred around manual therapy because it also deals with serious illnesses like ligament strains, tear or sprains, rehabilitation in the cases of fractures, inflammation of Bursa or tendons, Osteo-arthritis, Osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, spondylolysis, and surgical rehabilitation of the shoulder, hip, knee, foot and ankle. Pre-surgical physiotherapy is considered very necessary for quick recovery of post-surgery conditions and to reduce stay in hospital.    

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About the Author: Danny White