Yoga: A Contemporary Path to Wellbeing

In recent times, health has attained a niche under the topics to be reviewed and a thing to be cared about. With an increasing number of diseases be it mentally or physically the need has arrived to take preventive measures well in time. 

Yoga- which is a practice to attain peace of mind and body has gained wide popularity among the population of all ages. Many concepts arrived and departed but yoga is one of the systems that have been able to survive 15,000 years without any enforcement or extortion.

The Spiritual Element

In Sanskrit, yoga means union of activities that brings an individual into harmony with his soul and mind. Yoga is a tool that help to build stronger the spirit and enquire into the Deep census within us. It helps to cultivate calmness, needed to relax our inner peace. While practicing yoga one can explore the energy, creativity and awareness about one’s soul. 

Yoga is a guide to connecting with our soul. Yoga training involves around a large number of Chakra and Asana that helps to stimulate mindfulness and revamps our perspective towards life. It connects us to our inner strength and purpose of our life. Practicing yoga each day helps in self-discovery and self-discipline,  both these elements form the pillar to successful life.

The cultural Asana helps to imitate various aspects of God in the form of beings, such as, Surya Namaskar, Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Ardhamatsayendrasana, Trikonasana, Vrakshasana, etc. They help to regulate the flow of prana in ones body depending on the sequence they are practiced in. 

One of the most commendable feature of yoga is that it is performed mainly in morning duration, mostly after sun rises and according to religion waking up in morning helps to connect with God, and so yoga helps us to bridge the gap. 

Fitness and Flexibility

In modern time people look out for fitness ways , and end up joining a fitness centre or gym, but saying uprightly correct Yoga is best workout one can carry to stay fit in life. Do you get cramps while lifting dumbbells? In taking artificial protein is one of the major requirements at a gym, this directly affects our health in long term. Yoga provides for the best alternative to individual who tend to maintain their health and wellness meters. 

Naukasana, Ardha matsyendrasan, Dwi Pada Uttanasana, Dandasana, Viparita Karni, Kapalabharti, Dhanurasana, Bhujangasana, Bitilasana all helps to give a nice and perfect Kickstart to your beautiful day,. They helps to build mind and body balance by making one more energetic. Indeed one can join a yoga training class, where trainer can help you perform asana in best possible manner. 

Moreover yoga is easy way to remain fit. Individual from any age can easily perform them. Yoga teacher training can even help to provide with a career alternative to people.

Cure to Health Disorders

Yoga is proven to help in curing various kinds of health related problems. 

  • One can overcome disease like thyroid by performing halasana or matsyasana. 
  • Dhanurasana and Bhujanganasa helps to overcome Polycystic ovarian syndrome disease, commonly found in women.
  • Arthritis can be cured with shishuasana and Adho mukha svanasana.
  • Chakrasana and ardha matsyendrasana can be performed by diabetes patients. 
  • Diarrhoea, Indigestion, Gastritis, heartburn, abdominal pain all can be treated by doing asana such as, Apanasana, Paschimottanasana, Vrikshana, etc.
  • Padamasana, sirasana, can be done by people diagnosed with migrane problem.
  • Badha konasana, sukhasana, shavasana can be done by people suffering from mental disorders like depression, anxiety attacks.
  • Salamba Bhujanganasa and naukasana helps to treat kidney problems and weakness in limbs.

Nowadays yoga teacher training helps the youth to learn the art of yoga and then pass it on to other generations. This has helped people of all ages to learn this art form and live a longer and better lifestyle.

Yoga is not just Exercise

Yoga is more than physical fitness, it is spiritual filtration. It not only helps to maintain a peaceful balance between body and health but also helps to find a right track for soul to move on. Yoga has various forms, making it equal to performing art while doing them. One has to take time and expertise in this field to be able to perform each yoga pose perfectly. It has taken its root dating a long time back, since the age of Mahabharata or Ramayana and therefore it’s significance outweighs every other thing. It is part of our rich ancient history and an art form to be proud. If you are looking any good international yoga practitioners and expert, you can contact here for yoga teacher training in India 

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About the Author: Danny White