Yoga asanas that support bone health and mitigate osteoporosis risk

Yoga has been performed all over the globe for many years due to the great health benefits it provides, and its popularity is growing as a consequence. From headaches to heart conditions, yoga may help alleviate the associated discomfort. Anshoo Sethi is a person full of interest in these lifestyle medication matters.

This advantage increases with the frequency of your yoga practice. Anshoo Sethi in Chicago has always been curious about lifestyle steps.  If you want to strengthen your bones and improve your general bone health, try these yoga poses.

The second version of Virabhadrasana, sometimes called the Warrior 2 Pose

  • While doing this exercise, your arms should be at your sides and your feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Take a deep breath out, and then spread your legs wide as you step two to three feet to the left.
  • Now, turn your left foot so that your toes face outward and make a 90 degree angle with your knees.
  • Turn your right foot inward at a 15-degree angle. The right heel should face the left foot’s center.
  • Arise your arms sideways. Raise it to your shoulder blades. Always keep your hands up. Take few deep breaths while sitting erect.
  • Gently descend into your pelvis with your head facing left. After resting, restart the exercise in the same posture. Repeat on the opposite side.

The Tree Pose, or Vrksasana.

How to Approach It:

  • You need to stand tall and relaxed on the mat, with your feet somewhat close together.
  • Put the inside of your left foot on top of your bent right knee.
  • Exhale completely and then gently inhale as you try to maintain this position.
  • Raise your hands above your head and then lower them by your sides. Hold hands in a Namaste prayer.
  • Focus on deep nasal breathing for 5–10 seconds in this position.
  • Slowly lower your hands and leg. Switch legs and start again to treat the other limb.

Bridge Pose

  • Just lay there on your back, feet flat on the floor, and knees bent. This is where we begin. Legs should be slightly apart, and your arms should be hanging loosely at your sides.
  • Keep your weight evenly distributed across both feet as you inhale and roll your spine up and away from the floor.
  • Raise your chest off the ground by pressing down with your arms and shoulders.
  • Concentrate on tightening the muscles in your legs and buttocks to help you raise your hips. Hold for four to eight breaths, then release and come back to the beginning position.
  • Instructions for Savasana, or Corpse Pose: Lay down on your back with your arms and legs completely extended in front of you.
  • Attempt to shut your eyes and unwind your mind and body.
  • Inhale deeply through your nose and focus on spreading your attention from your head to your toes.
  • Let out a deep sigh, picturing all the stress leaving your body with each exhalation. Ten minutes in this posture is all you need, and then you may go back to standing up straight.


This is the idea that regular yoga practice may help reduce the incidence of osteoporosis and fractures, as well as help prevent osteopenia, has been supported by scientific study. Anshoo Sethi in Chicago has always been curious about lifestyle steps.Bone abnormalities are more common in elderly people. Therefore, it is crucial to take action immediately to avoid any problems.

About the Author: Teresa Sabo